Thursday, March 26, 2009

Entry 004 | I lookuh Likuh Maaaan

My sister told me the other weekend that she saw me in a movie. My first reaction was to freak out, quickly recounting the homemade adult films I've never been in. Apparently, there is a movie called Long Life, Happiness, and Prosperity which stars Sandra Oh and a young Asian girl who looks and acts just like me. I checked it out and shockingly discovered I am in a movie! We are one in the same. This little girl is Asian (check) wears huge pink framed glasses (check), and spends most of her time trying to cast love spells on her mom and some man in the form of ancient chinese incantations while walking backwards and backstroking with her arms (check!). Oh and strangely enough, her name is also Mindy. Behold, my doppleganger: 



Watch me on Hulu! I'm not half bad.

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