Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Entry 002 | Suburban Outfitters

I had a day off from work yesterday and I spent a part of it taking pictures of my bed, bookshelf and other items I'm planning on posting for sale on Craigslist. Why you ask? Bc I will be moving into my sister's place in the burbs come mid-May and I want to move as little belongings as possible. Me lazy. Anyhoo, one of the perks of not going into work is that I get to enjoy the natural light that pours into my apt from morning to midday. Which on this particular day made me sentimental. Henceforth I went nuts taking pictures of my place so I can have them to look at FOREVA. Now you can too. You've been a great studio to me for the past 2.5 years, I'll miss you.

My desk where I sit and compose jury duty excuse letters

Some of my favorite things: drawings from friends, art, inspirational quotes, postcards, french new wave film stills, stickers, Adam

Bathroom rug stained with Ancho's milk duds

Shoes I don't wear

Dust bunnies... get it?!

Tiny closet I've become accustomed to

Ikea shelf (which is yours for $15 if you can carry out of my place)



  1. i'm wiping away a tear too. i like the colors in your closet and your dust bunny. shoot the bunny, shoot the bunny.

  2. i like the molding on your walls
