Thursday, April 23, 2009

Entry 020 | School of Rock

School of Rock is one of those movies I'll find myself quoting in my everyday life. Larry, the nerd genius boy is my favorite. In one scene he confides in Mr. Schneebly and says, "People in the bands are cool. I am not cool enough!" It's really about how he says it that cracks me up and whenever someone asks me to do something or go somewhere, I'll say, "But I'm not cool enough!" I've also been known to say, "Step OOOOOOOOOUUUUFFFFFFFFF!!!!!!" and "You're tacky and I hate you." Ahh, what a great movie. If you haven't seen, go rent it today.

You're not hardcore. Unless you live hardcore.

I am not cool enough!

1 comment:

  1. i freakin' love this movie too. i love the top of your blog. it's lovely. i need to change mine too.
