Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Entry 010 | Lieutenant Dan

In a final attempt to stop talking about myself so much (I've been told this jokingly, but it still hurt my feelings bc im sensiteeeeve) on my blog, here's one last entry about a personal experience then I'll blog about uninteresting things like the news and social issues. I was snoop-twittering and found an old picture of my friend Kelly and me from this past summer. I remember it well... We were chatting in the outdoor seating of some cafe on Rush street when this woman came up to us told us that she just saw Gary Sinise down the street. Since we were pretty much finished with our drinks and both generally get excited about the sky being blue, we freaked out and decided to go chase him down the street. We started gaining on him and urged one another to ask for a picture. You do it! No, you! stylez back and forth until Kelly finally gave in. She got his attention at the annoyance of his teenage daughter who had the look of, "leave my dad alone biotch!" written all over her face. I did my part to equally compliment and creep him out by saying, "You must hate this but... WE LOVE YOU!" in my baritone causing excited-ness. He smiled and obliged as Kelly latched herself onto him and I onto her. Thanks lieutenant Dan for being so gracious.


  1. I LOVE Gary Sinise! You lucky Lady!! I'd cross an ocean to hug him anytime! Great photograph! Which one are you?

  2. the one on the far left.
    jk im the one on the right =)

  3. this story cracked me up. i seriously LOL-ed. you're a good story teller minders.
