My sister went first. They talked about Chicago and the weather and he wrote a nice little note on her front matter pages. Then his attention turned to me. And in a whirlwind, it unfolded something along the lines of," Yep... I'm the younger... study graphic sister cleaned my dorm room before we got here...." and then intense staring at him. WhaT?!? Cleaned my room? Who cares??? All the while this nonsense was pouring from my mouth, I watched him start to draw a jack o'lantern in my book, something I saw him do in books of those who failed to please him or make any sort of connection. I wanted to say, "Wait! I love you, we have the same sense of humor, we could be frieeeeeeends!!" But alas, I had to scoot as he was already reaching out to shake the next loser's hand.
My sister was also not pleased with her own performance. Not being able to draw on her womanly wiles to pull in a gay man, she was also without a game plan and failed to make her mark. Disappointed, we slumped downstairs and seated our sorry asses down. We snapped at each other for no reason. Got irritated at the crowds for laughing too loud and too frequently and called them lemmings. And worst of all, we didn't enjoy the show.
*Being the first to author the definition of D. Sedaris, I should've thought to mention this at our meeting! But its too late now.
BEST entry ever.